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materials INsight

Material Discovery Acceleration Product

MaterialsIN, www.materialsIn.com, accelerates the discovery and development of alternate materials (e.g., safer, greener materials) by leveraging a proprietary methodology that combines machine learning techniques with the fundamentals of the physics, chemistry and engineering of materials.

MaterialsINsight, the company’s material discovery product, harnesses a proprietary data-driven engine to provide materials-related design and sustainability solutions. It empowers customers with information that allows for rapid decision-making in material usage, selection and discovery and enables accelerated innovation in the use of materials in an economically viable and socially-responsible manner.

This significantly minimizes customers’ cost and time-to-market, and enhances the use of materials in both current and next generation technologies. MaterialsINsight provides a ranking of materials based on a composite metric of sustainability for a given level of functionality.

MaterialsINsight provides guidance to customers pathways for:

MaterialsINsight provides clarity on materials selection and design based on their preferences for product performance; it balances the design intent with other factors, such as sustainability, functionality, and cost. The data-driven model utilizes a visualization tool to help companies make the most informed decisions when it comes to the materials used in their products.

MaterialsINsight for materials selection and design incorporates logic-based reasoning tools to rank criteria—from materials to components--with respect to their properties. It also demonstrates the tradeoffs associated with each alternative in order to arrive at the optimal material that meets the product’s design requirements.

MaterialsINsight accomplishes the following: